Little did the founder of Proudly realize how vitally important giving back to the local community would be when he launched the company. Thanks to the businesses that are using Proudly as their payment processing company, we are able to direct our charitable funds to the local charities that are providing assistance to those that have been hit the hardest during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Proudly has directed it’s giving to Bluffton Self-Help, Hungry Hearts Restaurant Worker Fund, Hope4Help, and other agencies to make a positive difference during this time. One of our larger segments of business is with restaurants. Obviously, they are one of the hardest hit businesses with the pandemic so we felt it made good sense. Proudly is also sharing our restaurant partners take-out menus, delivery options and other partner’s innovative offerings via social media. We are in this together.
Proudly is grateful to the businesses that chose to use their payment platform as they are the ones that make the giving possible as well as their customers that support their business. It comes full circle.
Most of our business partners display the Proudly heart logo in their window so you will know when you use a credit card at the business, you too are giving back without reaching into your own pocket. Proudly is based in Bluffton and we are proud to be part of a community that cares about their neighbors and has giving back as a priority. We welcome other communities to join the Proudly family and offer our services throughout the USA.